With our Community Multipurpose Room now fully operational, Delmar DivINe is collaborating with a number of organizations serving older residents to present The Wisdom Café, a forum where older adults in the community can enjoy a variety of programs ranging from Zumba classes to cooking demonstrations and more! And, because feedback provided by community members noted the significant number of older adults caring for grandchildren, onsite childcare is provided during the program.
The program held an open house in late March to introduce community members to the program and to the organizations putting it together.
Jorge Riopedre, executive director of Delmar DivINe, said, “I am especially glad to start this program because it directly addresses a need brought to our attention by people living in and around the West End. And the fact that so many organizations are partnering with us is fantastic.”
The content partners for The Wisdom Café are Cardinal Ritter Senior Services, St. Louis Area Agency on Aging, HOSCO/NSFH, Northside Youth & Senior Service Center, St. Louis City Senior Fund, and STL Village.
The Wisdom Café will hold its next session on April 18 at Delmar DivINe.